Crystals for the Aquarius

Aquarius Season 20.01- 18.02/Air sign/ Ruled by Uranus

Water Bearer- The  Rebellious Genius

Aquarians are the rebels of the zodiac sign. Highly creative, intelligent and independent with a love for freedom and justice. The water bearer symbolizes the fact that they bring life to everything that they do. They are unpredictable, social and community oriented but not likely to participate in any unwanted social interactions. Ruled by the planet of originality, freedom and innovation, Uranus. We might feel more daring, courageous, creative and rebellious. Let go of the old and think outside of the box. It's time to break old patterns and embrace changes.

Gemstones for the Aquarian


Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone linked with the crown- and third eye chakra. For the Aquarian who need to get more in touch with their spiritual side the Amethyst will help them as well as calming the busy mind of the ones spiritually connected.
It strengthens our ability to communicate well within groups while it enhances productivity thanks to the wearer.
Physically the Amethyst heals  migraines and headaches. Emotionally it clears anxiety and calms the minds. Connected to the crown and third eye chakra it deepens intuition and feeds higher thinking. 

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is connected to sacral and root chakras. This stone gives strength and stability since it connects you with the Earth’s energy. Red Jasper is a very grounding and protective stone. This energy is very well needed for the Airy Aquarius who tend to lose touch with the ground. It activates the creative energies and assists you in completing your goals. Jasper's are also known for the talisman of luck and endurance. Physically it stimulates the blood circulation while it raises endurance. Mentally it helps you focus and  encourages emotional stability. spiritually it raises your life force energy while it heals the root chakra and sacral chakras. 


Moss Agate
(Also birthstone of the Gemini)

Agate comes in all color variations which means different healing properties. Moss Agate helps with the inner journeys and lifts up your self-confidence. It helps the Aquarian to balance and stay connected to reality, while flying high. It also enhances the natural positive traits of the wearer. Physically, Moss Agate boosts your energy level and metabolism. Emotionally it encourages balanced thinking, by grounding you. Spiritually, Moss Agate keeps you grounded.

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