Gemstones for Pisces

Pisces season 19.02-20.03/ Water sign/ Ruled by Neptune

Pisces, two fishes swimming in opposite direction of each other, are swimming in deep waters indeed. The symbolism represents their constant inner struggle between the heart  and the mind. Their intense emotions and the deep depths of their subconscious makes them one of the most sensitive ones of the Zodiac signs. They are creative, kind, compassionate, romantic, gentle and with this immense sensitivity they are the most psychic and empathetic.Those with this water sign are an emotional sponge and should be mindful not to absorb other people's energies. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of creativity and dreams, Pisces often have a wild imagination. Neptune is also the gardener of illusion and escapism. 

Their sensitivity comes with the sense to escape the heavy and intense emotions they deal with, this might express itself in addictions or depressions..  Pisces might have issues with addressing their problems and only see the bright side of things. This turns into running away for issues that need to be solved. Ignoring conflict doesn’t make it go away. 


Gemstones for Pisces


Aquamarine, a light blue gemstone which reminds us of the sea, is the perfect match for the Pisces indeed. It is considered to be the stone of courage and is believed to bring balance and order. It evokes feelings of peace, love, joy and happiness. Aquamarine energizes while bringing harmony and balance. It has a shielding effect on your energy field and it helps to create mental clarity. 

Aquamarine is connected to the throat chakra and helps to improve communication. This is beneficial since the Pisceans can have a hard time communicating their true feelings.

Physically it helps against sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems.

Rainbow Fluorite

Fluorite comes in all different shades and colors and  is a healing stone that stimulates the harmony between the real world and the spiritual realm. This mysterious stone is also known for its ability to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive energy. Fluorite is the perfect crystal if you are dealing with a spiritual or existential crisis, this soothes the melancholic Piscean energy who can have a hard time regulating their intense emotions. 

Physically Fluorite can be helpful with flushing toxins and harmful viruses from the body. 



Bloodstone, also known as the warrior stone, stimulates finding your inner power and gives you the confidence to stand up for yourself. The Bloodstone brings strength and inner wisdom to help process the past. It is a grounding, protective and cleansing stone, which is good for the Piscean who gets lost and stuck in their own repetitive negative thought patterns. Connected to the root chakra it also removes the stagnated energy which causes clearance of thoughts and energy. Physically it can be useful as a blood cleanser.

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