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Morning Mist necklace

Morning Mist necklace

Regular price €195,00 EUR
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“Morning Mist” Necklace

Crystals History

A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose elements such as atoms, molecules and iron, are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure. This material is composed of silica also known as silicon dioxide, most commonly found in nature as quartz. In many parts of the world, silica is the major element of sand. Silica is one of the most complex and most abundant families of materials.

Quartz History
The word “quartz” is derived from the German Saxon word “Querkluftertz”, which means cross-vein, since it is also a common mineral in veins and volcanic rocks. Quartz exists in two forms, normal quartz and the high temperature quartz.
There are many varieties of Quartz, several of which are classified as gemstones and some as semi-precious gemstones. Since humankind, Quartz have been the most commonly used mineral in the making of jewelry and stone carvings. 

Quartz’s piezoelectric properties, which appear after pressure and heat, is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials like crystals, bones, DNA and various proteins. 

Fun fact

Quartz crystals were used in phonographs, which became the record player and are now the turntables. One of the most common piezoelectric uses of Quartz today is as a crystal oscillator, a crystal filter which allows some frequencies to pass through an electrical circuit while filtering undesired frequencies. The most common and used crystal filters are at frequencies of 9MHz or 10.7 MHz to provide selectivity in communications receivers. Crystals filters can be found today in radio communication, telecommunication, signal generators and GPS devices and in Quartz clocks.

Clear Quartz History

Clear Quartz is a form of crystalline Quartz, composed of silicon dioxide. It is one of the most abundant minerals on planet Earth.  Traditionally it was called rock crystal or pure Quartz and is a colorless and transparent crystal. This magnificent stone comes in a variety of colors. These color differentiations occur due to the presence of impurities which change the molecular structure in a crystal. Think hereby of Rose Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz etc.

Clear Quartz Healing properties

 Clear Quartz is considered an amplifying stone and enhances the healing properties of other crystals that come in contact with it. It is being used to cleanse and charge other crystals.
Clear Quartz is used to cleanse and purify the energy of spaces, objects and individuals. It absorbs, transmutes and releases negative stagnant energies. This semi-precious gemstone is associated with the overall healing and balancing of the mind and body. It stimulates the mind, creates mental clarity, helps with concentration, improves the memory and the decision- making process. 

Clear Quartz Physical healing properties

This beautiful transparent stone is referred to as the “Master Healer” due to its ability to amplify energy and intentions. Clear Quartz enhances the immune system, supports physical vitality, and promotes emotional healing.

Clear Quartz Emotional healing properties

Clear Quartz is known for its calming effect on emotions and helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances.


Clear Quartz is soothing for Aries.


Clear Quartz is connected with the crown chakra and third eye chakra, which represents higher consciousness and spiritual connection. It can be used to harmonize and align all the chakras by facilitating energy flow and balance.

Fun fact: Due to its unique properties, Clear Quartz is widely used in various industries. It is utilized in electronics, optics, telecommunications, and even watches and timekeeping devices.



Hematite History 

The name Hematite derived from the Greek word for blood, haima, due to the red coloration in some varieties of the Hematite. This crystal is a common iron oxide which is found in rocks and soils. Hematite naturally occurs in black, steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish-brown, or red colors. This crystal is one of the most common iron-bearing minerals found on planet Earth. Hematite has been used for various purposes throughout history. In its powdered form, it is known as a rouge, has been used as a polishing compound, and its pigments where used in cave paintings, body paintings and dyes. 

Hematite Healing properties

Hematite is a grounding and protective stone. It helps to absorb negative energies and promotes balance and stability . Hematite creates a field against negative energy and electromagnetic radiation.


Physical healing properties

This semi-precious gemstone helps alleviate fatigue and provides a sense of strength and vitality. Due to its high iron content it is used as a support for better blood circulation and improves oxygen supply to the body. Hematite relieves pain by reducing inflammation, headaches and migraines, joint pains and arthritis.

Emotional healing properties

Hematite aid to release emotional blockages and traumas. It supports during challenging times and promotes courage, self-confidence and optimism. This crystal improves mental focus, concentration and memory. 


Hematite is connected to the root chakra which promotes grounding, stability and security.


How to use?

Use the Hematite while studying for a clearer mind and better memory.
Use the Hematite for a better blood circulation

Fun fact

The signature of hematite was seen on the planet Mars by NASA in 2001. The mineral was seen in abundance. 



Pearls History

A Pearl is a hard object produced within the soft tissue of a living shelled mollusk. It is composed of calcium carbonate and has deposited concentric layers. The ideal pearl is round but they come in many different shapes, known as baroque pearls.   

Sweet water Pearls, also known as Freshwater Pearls, are a type of Pearl produced by mollusks in freshwater environments such as rivers, lakes and ponds. Pearl has historically been associated with purity and innocence and has been used for fertility and smooth childbirth.

Sweet water Pearls Healing Properties

Sweet water pearls are associated with motherly energy and it enhances the foster feelings of care and affection. Pearls are calming, balancing, semi-precious gemstones which reduces stress, elevates inner peace and alleviates feelings of anger and anxiety. Sweet water Pearls are said to aid emotional healing by promoting feelings of love, compassion and empathy.

Pearls Physical healing properties

Pearls balance the body’s natural rhythms and hormonal levels and bring a sense of harmony to the wearer. Pearls have been historically used in traditional medicine for respiratory conditions.

Zodiac sign

Pearls are soothing for Cancers and Gemini

Fun fact

Pearls are being used in skincare products. The high content of calcium and other minerals are said to believe it promotes a youthful glow.

Note: Always remember that the healing properties of crystals are not a substitute for professional medical care. If you have serious physical or emotional health concerns, it is essential to consult a qualified healthcare professional. 

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