*Price includes earrings, ankle chains and waist beads*
Stone description
Tiger's Eye is a protective stone that was traditionally carried as a talisman against ill wishing and cursing. It assists in accomplishing goals, recognizing inner resources and promotes clarity of intentions. It grounds and and facilitates manifestations of the will. It differentiates between wishful thinking about what you want and what you really need.
It is helpful for resolving dilemmas and internal conflicts, especially those brought about by pride and willfulness.
Tiger's Eye heals issues of self-worth, self-criticism and blocked creativity. It alleviates depression and lifts mood by balancing and energizing the emotional body.
Tiger's Eye is particularly useful for healing mental dis-eases and personality disorders.
Golden Tiger's Eye aids in paying attention to detail, warning against pride. It assist in taking action from a place of reason rather than emotion. Gold Tiger's Eye is an excellent companion for tests and important meetings.
How to use?
Placed on the third eye (sport between the eyebrows) , it enhances psychic abilities in earthy people and balances the lower chakras (energy centers)
When placed on the navel chakra, Tiger's Eye is excellent for people who are spaced out or uncommitted.
Healing abilities
Tiger's Eye treats the eyes and aids night visions, heals the throat and reproductive organs. It is helpful for repairing broken bones.
Place on the navel area for spiritual grounding.
Brown-yellow (gold)